Easy walk at the foot of a waterfall, for families with toddlers and/or people without any training. Access 29 km from the gîte.
Road access: Puygros, Thoiry, Col des Prés, Aillon, (turn towards Attily in Le Villaret for the short version), Le Chatelard.
Family walk easily accessible in two routes.
1- The shortest route (yellow trace below) is 3.6 km back for a 38m difference in altitude. It starts at the car park at the bottom of Attily (1.5km from the village).
2- The second (blue trace below) can be added to the first. So, the entire walk is 7km for around 1h30 over 150m of elevation gain. The departure is in the parking lot of the Chatelard village hall.
In winter, it is better to do it in the morning to enjoy the sun. Very pleasant in summer to enjoy the coolness of the undergrowth in the afternoon.

Route #1

Route #2

From this point, the path goes down to the Picot house, then to a pedestrian bridge over the Chéran river, and joins the car park at the start of route 1